About the Goal
To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages is important to building prosperous societies. Concerted efforts are required to achieve universal health coverage and sustainable financing for health; address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, tackle antimicrobial resistance and environmental factors contributing to ill health.
Why it Matters
1 in 4
are currently experiencing an episode of lonliness
The Indigenous suicide rate is double that of the general population
of Australians over 18 are overweight or obese
What Neighbourhood Houses & Centres are doing
Good Health and Well-being is multifaceted, therefore the way in which Neighbourhood houses and centres address this Sustainable Development Goal differs greatly. Across our Houses/ Centres there are healthy cooking classes, exercise groups, and gardening to promote physical health, but there are also art classes and social groups, such as Men's Shed targeted towards building mental health within the community.
Localising the SDGs
Good Health and Well-being
Moderator: Nicole Battle, President (ANHCA)
Sophie Arnold; Executive Manager, UNAA Victoria
Mark Morgan; Professor of General Practice at Bond University Chair, Expert Committee – Quality Care Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
David Perry; Policy and Research Officer, (NHVic)
Redland Community Centre
Highett Neighbourhood Community House