About the Goal
This goal aims to make cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The world is becoming increasingly urbanized, with many people moving into urban areas, however cities account for about 70% of global carbon emissions and over 60% of resource use. As such it is critical that our cities are sustainable, as this reduces pollution levels, creates shared prosperity and social stability, without harming the environment.
The better the conditions created in the community, the greater effect on quality of life.
Why it Matters
of Australians population live in an urban area
non-native invasive plants are from home garders which impact on biodiversity
Transport accounts for the third largest contributor to greenhouse emissions in Australia
What Neighbourhood Houses & Centres are doing
Neighbourhood Houses and Centres work towards achieving sustainable cities and communities by incorporating sustainable practices into our everyday operations. Many of our state peaks and houses/centres are going paperless, reducing office waste. Additionally, some houses and centres use solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint.
Our Targets