About Us
Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA) is the national peak body for neighbourhood houses and community centres in Australia. We represent over 1000 houses and centres around Australia.

With a vision for strong local communities, ANCHA represents over 1000 Neighbourhood Houses/Centres across all of Australia. This is the generic name used for centres nationally known by a variety of names including Community Houses, Learning Centres, and Community Centres. Each of these are member organisations of their state peak representative bodies. 
ANHCA is committed to the development of place based solutions to meet the economic, social and civic opportunities and challenges that are currently facing Australian communities. To achieve this, ANHCA works to support the evolution of strong local communities through the empowerment of engaged local leaders and the creation of community partnerships.
Each week, over 406,000 people visit a Neighbourhood or Community House or Centre in Australia. With unparalleled reach into local communities, we strengthen the foundations of communities to enable people and their families to thrive.
Houses and centres are located in some of the most geographically isolated and disadvantaged communities in Australia and work with their communities to identify needs and facilitate local opportunities. This approach underpins the very core of what our sector offers as places where people from all walks of life, age, ability, race and gender come together to connect, learn, create, celebrate and contribute.
Our purpose
To contribute to national policy and issues of common interest to the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia
To promote and strengthen the national identity of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia
To enhance the quality, skills and knowledge of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia
To support the activity and work of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia